Yen’s Thoughts and a New Wish List


I have long advocated–half seriously–that we should move Christmas to August because of the stress the holiday adds to December. During the darkest days of the year, I’d prefer to have the leisure to sit quietly and read a good book. Instead, December brings a mountain of holiday-related work. Consequently, I’ve had to push the Carousel of Aloha to a back burner where it has simmered, and its gentle bubbling reminded me of all the carousel chores I was neglecting. Guilt knows no bounds. 

I’ve felt a measure of guilt in December for my inability to devote more time to the carousel. I’ve even felt it through the fatigue that has often accompanied my waking hours this month. The amalgam of guilt and fatigue has a toxic quality, so I’m glad that Boxing Day has come and gone. Now I can resume a semblance of ordinary life. 

Today is Thursday, December 27th, and Ken’s Master Carving Workshop looms large. I’ve got to kick it up a notch of two in order to properly prepare for that. The list of task is long and as varied as the list of material wants and needs. For example, we need several pairs of old jean.  We actually only need the legs which we will make into sandbags to steady carving stock. We also need someone who will play tour guide for Ken and Betty, his wife during their days off. So please visit Yen’s Wishlist for a complete inventory, and offer your assistance to whatever degree. 

The third Introduction to Carving Workshop also approaches. We elected not to schedule any workshops in December (thank goodness) because we knew that everyone would already be overwhelmed by the season. We’ll hold the January Workshop inPahoa on Sunday, January 13th. January is also the month we need to make all the carving blanks for Ken’s Master Workshop. 

Phew, I’m tired already.